Join SAS

SAS membership is open to graduate and undergraduate students in counseling psychology and related fields. Membership terms go along with the calendar year from January 1 through December 31. SAS members receive subscriptions to The Counseling Psychologist, the SAS Newsletter, and the Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17) newsletter. Members who join SAS after the first volume of The Counseling Psychologist (TCP) is published are entitled to receive all back copies of the journal for the current membership year.

Become a Member:

To become a SAS member, you may complete an application online at this link and mail it with a check or credit card information for $17 to the address given on the form. Please allow at least 4-6 weeks for processing. 

You do not have be a student affiliate of APA in order to become a SAS member, though more information about joining APA is available here.

Reasons to join SAS:

  • Access to the SAS website including the SAS Newsletter.
  • Receive a hard copy of The Counseling Psychologist (8 issues per year).
  • Information on finding, applying to and interviewing for internships.
  • Information on licensure in psychology.
  • Information on upcoming conferences and conventions.
  • Upcoming live chats and discussions with prominent professionals in counseling psychology.
  • Video clips of conference presentations and talks by prominent counseling psychologists.
  • Opportunities for networking with other students and professionals with similar interests.
  • Student-focused programming at the APA Annual Convention.
  • Learn more about award opportunities for students in counseling psychology.