APA Council Representative Biography

Cirleen DeBlaere, Ph.D. 
Term: 2021-2023

Cirleen DeBlaere, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology in the Department of Counseling and Psychological Services at Georgia State University. Her areas of interest and expertise include the complex relationships between minority stressors (e.g., discrimination, internalized oppression) and mental health for marginalized populations, with a particular focus on the experiences of individuals with multiple marginalized identities, and multicultural orientation and competence in therapy and training. She currently serves as an Associate Editor for Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity and Sex Roles: A Journal of Research and on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Counseling Psychology. At GSU, she teaches graduate courses in counseling theories, practicum supervision, and multicultural issues in psychology. In addition to her leadership roles in other APA divisions (Co-Chair, Committee on Racial and Ethnic Diversity, APA 44), she has served SCP as a member of several committees (e.g., 2016 Leadership Academy). Also, as Tri-Chair of the STG on Engagement, she Co-Chaired the effort that developed the Vice President for International Affairs position. Recently, she co-founded, and is the inaugural Co-Chair of the Division on Asian Americans of Multiracial Heritage within the Asian American Psychological Association. Her first co-authored book, Cultural Humility: Engaging Diverse Identities in Therapy was published in 2017.